Saturday, November 22, 2008

Animal Facts

Why the polar bear never feel cold after swim? It’s because the fur of this animal are water-proof and have oil. So, there is not a drop of water that adhere in along time. And the polar bear can dry its fur easily.

Frog is one of the most poisonous animal in the world. The poison that producted by poisonous frog in west Colombia, south America, is the greatest poison in the world. 1/100,000 of one gram is enough for evoke one people die.

Bumblebee bat is the smallest flying mammal in the world. Bumblebee that comes from Thailand has 2 grams of weight and about 30-40 mm of length.

In fact, for make one kg of honey, a bee has to visit to about four millions flowers! If calculated by distance, then this trip is same as four times around the earth!

Shark that seen has the cruel eyes, in fact has resemblance with us. They have eyelid that same with us. The difference is their eyelid can’t flicker at all.

The weight of giraffe’s heart can be 10 kg. This weight has relation with the length of giraffe’s neck. The heart have to work hard two times to get pump the blood in to the brain that located on the top. So this heart is bigger and heavier than the other animal’s heart that have the same measure with giraffe.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let Me Tell You!

Every state wants to keep its history things. Holland for example, this country is really watch over its culture and history things. The proof, in the world, Holland is a country that has a lot of museum. Just in Amsterdam there are 42 museums! Imagine, how big the Holland Government’s love for their country and culture.

When The Bay War I, U.S used 2250 combat planes and dropped 88,000 ton of bomb to fight with Iraq that only had 500 MIG-29 combat planes made by Soviet and Mirage F-1 made by France. Wow, the imposing equal!

Queen Mary 2 is the biggest ship in the world that operated by Cunrad, a famous sailing company. This ship was sailing since January 12th 2004 from Southampton around Atlantic Ocean. The length of this ship is 245 m, the high is 72 m, the weight is 151,400 ton, and the number of crew are 1253 people. This ship also can take people until 2620 number of people!

In old Greece time, brain was not the body center. Nobody knew that the truth of thinking process done by brain. Aristoteles, the famous philosopher in that time, said that the center of remembering is located in heart.

Africa continent known as the first lived placed by the human than the other place in this earth. By discovery from the anthropology, human had occupied Africa since seven million years ago.

The V letter that made by index finger with palm of hand face to the outside can meaning as victory symbol. V in this symbol means Victory that was popular for the first time by Principal of England, Winston Churchill, during the World War II.