Sunday, October 26, 2008

Knowledge For You!!

Have you imagine if our earth become so hot or so cold? In 1922, our earth, exactly in Libya, had the hottest temperature. That was 58 degree of C! And in 1083, Antarctic Continent had temperature decrease until -89,6 degree of C! This temperature noted as the lowest temperature ever in our world! In August 2003, there was an increase temperature too in Paris. The temperature in this town was more than 20.000 peoples died because of the temperature! Fiuh.. They must to get in to the refrigerator!

Become an astronaut certainly please. Because we can go and stay in outside sky for a few time. Every back from the journey, their tall increase 5,08 cm. This thing happen because their sensitive bone get more extensive because there wasn’t gravity in the moon.

Butterfly has an unique habit. In fact, they can’t fly if their body temperature less than 30 degree of C. besides that, the female from some species of moth born without wing. So they only can crawl if they want to move. Hu-hu-hu… They certain mock by the other moth.

Are you aware that elephant often wagged their ears? When ears move, blood around the ears become cooler. The blood from ear will send to whole body for cooling temperature of their body.

There was a myth that said the left-handed people or the people who usual use their left hand for activity, are weaker than the ordinary people. It’s caused by the origin words ‘right’ and ‘left’. ‘right’ come from many languages that all of them have mean ‘strong’ or connected with ‘powerful’. And ‘left’ come from the word in ancient English ‘lyft’ that mean ‘weak’ or ‘not useful’.

Its shape like duck, but it has voice like dog barking. Who is it? The answer is Antpitta Avis Canis Ridgley. This unique black-white bird has long legs and discovered by an ornithologist, Robert S. Ridgley in 1998. Robert found this bird in Andes Mountain, Ekuador, South America. And Antpitta is a biggest bird that discovered all along 50 years ever!