Tuesday, December 9, 2008


A normal adult cow can product around 90 glasses of milk a day. It means that a cow can product around 200,000 glasses of milk a year.

In Pekalongan, there is a widest ‘batik’ cloth that has 1,200 m of length and 1.5 m of width. This cloth was made by 1000 craftsmen and finished in just a day!

We can arrive to Pluto in just six hours if we have the trip in 186,000 mil/hour of speed.

One year cosmic is how much time that needed by the Sun for do the rotation around the center of galaxy. One year cosmic means 225 years. Aaah, it’s too long!

In fact, if we can drive to go to the Sun in 55 mil/hour of speed, we will need about 193 years!

In 2005-2006, Washington had a lack of science teachers more than 1000 people! Most people that don’t want be a teacher are because of the teacher salary in America is very low.

Guess! What the most expensive coffee in the world. Coffee that sold in 50 poundsterling (almost are million rupiah), in fact comes from civet’s poopie! England people believe that civet can choose the best coffee kernel based on its instinct.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Uniques

In fact, in America there is a ‘Dangdut’ lover! Arreal Tilghman is the first American that became ‘dangdut’ singer. He selected as winner in ‘dangdut’ competition in America last year. And he will start his first album soon.

In 1987, Dr. Kevorkian advertised himself in newspaper for “Die Counseling” service. In 1989, he made die machine, Thanatron. If the button in that machine pushed, then the danger matters of chemistry will get in patient’s body. His job just help till that machine can be pushed by the patient.

Every people have their own way for keep their health. A grandfather, Ary Brasil, 68 years old has the unique way. He usual run as far as about 30.57 km every day! And the other unique, he usual goes back run. Ha ha ha, increasingly hard! After for nine years he did it, he feel so health an even never attacked by illness anymore.

Edwin Moses from America had won continuously in run race 400 m. He won 122 times! Moses got these victories around 1977-1987. Woow…

A company that belong to Li Chuangyong in Dalian, China offers the unique service. That company offers temporary couple for single parents who wants their children feel the real family life. And you know, the rent people must have a lot of experiences that connected with the children.

There is a man who cold-proof! Dutchman Wimhof. He known as an Iceman. This man can swim in ice water and bury himself in a pile of ice. Can you imagine, he even had climb Blanc Mountain just wore short pants!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Animal Facts

Why the polar bear never feel cold after swim? It’s because the fur of this animal are water-proof and have oil. So, there is not a drop of water that adhere in along time. And the polar bear can dry its fur easily.

Frog is one of the most poisonous animal in the world. The poison that producted by poisonous frog in west Colombia, south America, is the greatest poison in the world. 1/100,000 of one gram is enough for evoke one people die.

Bumblebee bat is the smallest flying mammal in the world. Bumblebee that comes from Thailand has 2 grams of weight and about 30-40 mm of length.

In fact, for make one kg of honey, a bee has to visit to about four millions flowers! If calculated by distance, then this trip is same as four times around the earth!

Shark that seen has the cruel eyes, in fact has resemblance with us. They have eyelid that same with us. The difference is their eyelid can’t flicker at all.

The weight of giraffe’s heart can be 10 kg. This weight has relation with the length of giraffe’s neck. The heart have to work hard two times to get pump the blood in to the brain that located on the top. So this heart is bigger and heavier than the other animal’s heart that have the same measure with giraffe.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Let Me Tell You!

Every state wants to keep its history things. Holland for example, this country is really watch over its culture and history things. The proof, in the world, Holland is a country that has a lot of museum. Just in Amsterdam there are 42 museums! Imagine, how big the Holland Government’s love for their country and culture.

When The Bay War I, U.S used 2250 combat planes and dropped 88,000 ton of bomb to fight with Iraq that only had 500 MIG-29 combat planes made by Soviet and Mirage F-1 made by France. Wow, the imposing equal!

Queen Mary 2 is the biggest ship in the world that operated by Cunrad, a famous sailing company. This ship was sailing since January 12th 2004 from Southampton around Atlantic Ocean. The length of this ship is 245 m, the high is 72 m, the weight is 151,400 ton, and the number of crew are 1253 people. This ship also can take people until 2620 number of people!

In old Greece time, brain was not the body center. Nobody knew that the truth of thinking process done by brain. Aristoteles, the famous philosopher in that time, said that the center of remembering is located in heart.

Africa continent known as the first lived placed by the human than the other place in this earth. By discovery from the anthropology, human had occupied Africa since seven million years ago.

The V letter that made by index finger with palm of hand face to the outside can meaning as victory symbol. V in this symbol means Victory that was popular for the first time by Principal of England, Winston Churchill, during the World War II.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Do You Know That...

There are 2700 languages with more than 7000 dialects in the world! Ck ck ck. The youngest language is Africa’s language that used by north Africa’s people. And the most difficult language is Basque language that used by the people in north Spain and north France.

Indonesia is the fourth most popular state in the world with more than 220 millions of people! Besides that, 300 ethnic groups in our country have 365 languages. There are Sundanese, Javanese, Bataknese, Ambonese, Dayaknese, and soooo many more!

Borneo island that the other word of Kalimantan island is a unique island. This island be the one of two places in the world that placed by extinct threatened species, like orangutan, elephant, and rhinoceros. Borneo is the house for 10 species of primate, more than 350 species of bird, 150 species of reptile and amphibian, and 15000 of plants. The other unique island besides Kalimantan is Sumatra.

Indonesia has cool National Parks. The one of them is Komodo National Park that has 253 species of scleractinian coral, more than 900 species of aloe vera and turtle. Komodo National Park that located in Southeast Asia area with the tropical climate is the place of sea mammal’s habitat.

There is a big hole in Siberia! Previously, this hole is a diamond digging hole with 525 m of depth and 1.25 km of width. Helicopter and the other flight are forbidden to fly over this hole because there is energy that out of this hole that can suck plane and cause accident.

There is a pink lake! This lake is located in an island in west Australia. Matthew Flinders discovered it in 1802 and until now, no one who knows why this lake is pink.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Read This !

Phobia of cat usual called ailurophobia. This thing had obsess some famous king like King Henry II from England, King Charles XI from Sweden, and Napoleon Bonaparte from France. They were very hate cat and always almost unconscious every time if they got close with this animal. But, did you know, cat doesn’t like human, too. Every time they touched by human, every cat reflexly lick their body immediately to make their fur become neat again.

All of us certainly know the word ‘laser’. In fact, this word is not a word but it’s an abbreviation. Do you know what the length of this word? In fact, laser is an abbreviation from Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission by Radiation.

Prosopagnosia or face blindness is an illness that can’t know other people’s face. In fact, if they are in serious condition, they can’t know their own face in the mirror! This illness is caused by function broken from something like face-know center in brain.

The longest word in English that noted in Oxford English Dictionary is pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis. This word composed by 45 letters! The meaning of this word is a lungs illness that caused by thousands dusts that enter into the lungs. This illness generally atttack the miners.

Have you got a feeling like be pinned under when you sleep, and wake up, and aware, but you can’t move your body part, speak, or cry? It means that we got sleep paralysis. This thing happen because when we sleep, our nerve suddenly had contraction and wake up us. But in that time, our brain wasn’t ready for accept that we had wake up.

Midnight Sun is a phenomenon that happen in Skandinavia, Rusia. In there, when summer, the Sun usually shine until 12 am. So, when it’s Midnight Sun, the Moon will looked sooooo small!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Knowledge For You!!

Have you imagine if our earth become so hot or so cold? In 1922, our earth, exactly in Libya, had the hottest temperature. That was 58 degree of C! And in 1083, Antarctic Continent had temperature decrease until -89,6 degree of C! This temperature noted as the lowest temperature ever in our world! In August 2003, there was an increase temperature too in Paris. The temperature in this town was more than 20.000 peoples died because of the temperature! Fiuh.. They must to get in to the refrigerator!

Become an astronaut certainly please. Because we can go and stay in outside sky for a few time. Every back from the journey, their tall increase 5,08 cm. This thing happen because their sensitive bone get more extensive because there wasn’t gravity in the moon.

Butterfly has an unique habit. In fact, they can’t fly if their body temperature less than 30 degree of C. besides that, the female from some species of moth born without wing. So they only can crawl if they want to move. Hu-hu-hu… They certain mock by the other moth.

Are you aware that elephant often wagged their ears? When ears move, blood around the ears become cooler. The blood from ear will send to whole body for cooling temperature of their body.

There was a myth that said the left-handed people or the people who usual use their left hand for activity, are weaker than the ordinary people. It’s caused by the origin words ‘right’ and ‘left’. ‘right’ come from many languages that all of them have mean ‘strong’ or connected with ‘powerful’. And ‘left’ come from the word in ancient English ‘lyft’ that mean ‘weak’ or ‘not useful’.

Its shape like duck, but it has voice like dog barking. Who is it? The answer is Antpitta Avis Canis Ridgley. This unique black-white bird has long legs and discovered by an ornithologist, Robert S. Ridgley in 1998. Robert found this bird in Andes Mountain, Ekuador, South America. And Antpitta is a biggest bird that discovered all along 50 years ever!

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Amazing Animals!

Panda first food is bamboo. Panda can eat fifteen kinds of bamboo. A panda has to feed every 12-16 hours and eat 11-20 kg of bamboo everyday. Why panda can eat bamboo? The answer is because they has strong muscle and teeth. Panda’s head is very big and has strong muscle that connect they head and jaw. With this muscle, panda can masticate the hardest bamboo’s stem. And, panda has special teeth for masticate various kind of plant.

What the biggest baby? The answer is Blue pope’s baby! When born, the baby has weight about 3.003 kg and length 6-7,9 m. Huaa…lucky this baby don’t need to be carry!

Who said that little animal aren’t dangerous? It’s the proof, Blue-ringed octopus that just have a measurement of golf ball is one of the most dangerous octopus species. After touched its ink spray, an adult human can die in just three minutes!

Cat is the only one animal that walking on their claw, and doesn’t by palm of their foot.

Tiger-shark that has teeth as strong as steel, known as skilled killer animal. This species is one of three species of shark that attack human in ocean. In fact, before born, this shark-tiger had practice be a killer. In their mother’s womb, the embryo attack each other! And the embryo that holds out can keep going become fetus and then born. Ck..ck..ck.. watch out! Fierce shark baby!!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Believe me!!

London is a city with the most expensive parking’s fee in the world! This fee that not count every hours can get Rp. 625.000 a day or Rp. 10,6 million a month! Wow! In Jakarta the parking’s fee just Rp. 238.000 a month! What??

In this world, the longest name is belong to a child in England. The child’s name is Autumn Sullivan Corbett Fitzsimmons Jeffries Hart Burns Johnson Willard Dempsey Tunney Schmeling Sharkey Carnera Baer Braddock Louis Charles Walcott Marciano Patterson Johansson Liston Clay Frazier Foreman Brown. Hmm…tired,huh? The name was taken from 25 famed boxer in world. And the other from the first and last name of family.

One thing that make the girls afraid is being fat. Afraid of fat even exceed fright toward nuclear war, cancer, or losing their parents.

In April 2007, a girl (13) won write text message contest in America. Morgan Pozgar did write sentence, 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious! Eventhough the sound of it is something quite enough you'll always sound precocious.' quickly and correctly. Morgan admitted usually sent 260 text messages a day use free text message service. This lucky girl got prize Rp. 200 millions after fight 250 contestants from various state.

A scarce black duck in Aase lake, Germany, in the beginning of November 2006 reported by biology specialist from Muenster, have fall in love with plastic boat that like a duck. The black duck showed behaviour like revolved around the boat, gazed in to the boat softly, and made sounds that usual made by duck who fall in love with the other duck. The duck and the plastic duck boat finally moved to the zoo.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Did U Know ??

Krakatau Volcano that located in Sunda Strait erupted in 1883. After that, there were dust flying and fulfilled around the air. The dust finally made the Sun looked green and the Moon looked blue for the people who stayed in that area. And that thing go on for two years.

In fact, there is a dog that can't barking. The kind is Basenji, and it's the only one kind of dog that has this unique
. But, Basenji can make sound, and it heard like baby's cry or human's laugh. Hi..hiii...so funny!

The man's brain can't do many thing at the same time. In book Why Men Don't Have A Clue and Women Need More Shoes said that man has double risky get a car accident than woman when driving and having a call at the same time.

It's time to watch our fingers! Yups! Middle finger is the longest finger between the other fingers. This thing caused by evolution process from our great-grand father's finger shape. Middle finger become longer so that our hand's shape can easier for hold something.

An owl has sharp eyes to see mouse from far away. This owl's food can be seen from distance between 46m just with radiance as bright as candle's radiance.

Every state usually have their own flag. Each flag has color, text, pattern or picture that representation its state. Libya is the only one state that has plain green flag without picture or text or anything! Hmm...